Game Over – Universally Inaccessible Game

Game Over! Because No One Can Save The Universe - image of an alien in a flying saucer.

Game Over! Because No One Can Save The Universe!
Game Over!” is the world’s first (and hopefully only) universally inaccessible game. This practically means that it is a game that can be played by no one. But why was such a game created? Well, the goal of Game Over! is to be used as an educational tool for disseminating, understanding and consolidating game accessibility guidelines.

There are 20 guidelines included, of which it would be wonderful to see mainstream developers take heed of. Even if it was only for them to include fully reconfigurable controls and wide difficulty options – that would at least be a start! There is an anti-dote to “Game Over!” you’ll be happy to know, in: “Terrestial Invaders“.

Game Over has recently won the People’s Choice award at “Play Arcadia,” within FuturePlay, Toronto.

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