Special Effect – Accessible Gaming Charity

Special Effect logo, beneath an image of a young boy in a wheelchair playing an accessible game.SpecialEffect is perhaps the only charitable organisation dedicated to helping ALL young people with disabilities to enjoy computer games. GASIG member Barrie Ellis of OneSwitch.org.uk is presently working with Special Effect on their latest exciting project to bring accessible games to disabled children in and around Oxford (UK).

Barrie is helping initially to gather four different accessible gaming set-ups based around a Laptop (XP), Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 and a Playstation 2. The next step is to find and train a small group of passionate volunteers to take this equipment out to clubs, schools, hospitals and so on.

The plan is for the project to run until around June/July this year, but the hope is this will be just the start and that this work will spread to other parts of the UK and beyond. Read more on the Special Effect Facebook page.

Some great gaming gear has been pledged so far from generous companies and organisations, which shall be detailed later. If anyone wishes to donate games or anything that might help – please visit the Special Effect web-site or contact Barrie directly through OneSwitch.org.uk.

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