This workshop will bring together professional games developers, accessible games designers and disabled gamers to play, discuss and design accessible games.
A variety of accessible games will be available for demonstration. Barrie Ellis of One Switch will be showing some of his unique one-button controllers for use with consoles such as the Sony Playstation. Richard Vahrman of Locomatrix will be talking about his GPS games and Jez Harris from Relentless will be talking about their hit game Buzz!
Discuss the games with the interdisciplinary audience. Experts in the areas of games technology, accessibility and human-computer interaction among others will be present.
Do you have an idea for a game? Feel free to sketchconcepts, create storyboards or propose new concepts ingames design aspects such as controllers, graphics or sound.
SPACE IS LIMITED!. E-mail Hilary Smith to reserve your place.
Via: Interact Lab – University of Sussex
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