Fundraising for Special Effect

Image of Special Effect and Retro Remakes banners below an image of a young boy delighted whilst using an Eye Tracker for the first time successfully.The following is taken directly from Retro Remakes a community of game programmers and huge long-term supporters of the accessible gaming movement:

“As you’re all no doubt aware, we’ve dedicated a category to getting some games made to help out the SpecialEffect Games For Helen project. Well, that’s not all we fancied doing for the cause.

As well as trying to get a bunch of games banged together, we figured we’d try and go the extra mile and raise some cold hard cash for Special Effect so that they can keep on doing the damn fine work that they do in making games more inclusive and getting more young people out there playing not just our games, but games as a whole.

Now, I know there’s a credit crunch, times are hard, it’s coming up to Christmas and all that – I also know that not everyone has a few quid to spare. We’ve set the target pretty low – £500. If enough people chuck in just a few pounds then we’ll get there in no time. If you can’t afford to donate, and I know that with all the best will in the world sometimes you just can’t give – that’s fine, no pressure whatsoever people. But if you can spread the word, tell people about it – make a blog post, pass it on, then it’ll help us get to that £500 target in no time and I’ll be eternally grateful.

We’re going through JustGiving – it’s the fastest and easiest way to get your cash to the charities and to get the GiftAid for UK donations sorted. Our page is here: – it’s not very pretty, but it doesn’t have to be, right?

It’s open for 12 months so there’s plenty of time to do this and in the very near future I’ll be announcing this on the front page, there’ll be links on all the competition pages too.

Here’s that page again:

Thanks chaps and dig as deep as you can, spread the word wherever you can. We’re all gamers here of one variety or another, lets help bring some games and some smiles to some kids faces.”

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