Accessible Gaming in 1981

Adaptive 'Head wand' being used to play Bowling on the 1976 RCA Studio II games console. Photo by Meri Houtchens-Kitchens.
I’ve just received a scan of “Adapting Audio/Video Games for Handicapped Learners” by Karen Hughes – dated November 1981. Fascinating reading for me – and there’s an interesting parallel with the photo above with some recent work I’ve been undertaking.

The photo above is of a gamer using head-control to play Bowling on a 1977 RCA Studio II games console using a “head wand” to press down on the keypad controller. It seems that this plays in a very similar way to “Super Monkey Ball 2” which I’ve recently had set-up on a Nintendo Wii to play with head-control and/or switches. Nothing is new it seems!

Hopefully I’ll be able to get some more up from this article in the near future, if I can get permission from Karen Hughes. Fantastic pioneering work.

Scan with thanks to: Michelle Hinn.

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