GDC 2019: Industry Discussions on Game Accessibility

In the second half of March, tens of thousands of industry professionals met in San Francisco for the 33rd edition of the Game Developers’ Conference. Amongst the attendees were hundreds of accessibility professionals, advocates, academics, and students, all working together and…

Reflections on Game Accessibility

The January 2011 IGDA Perspectives newsletter contains a two page segment on the ‘game accessibility year’ 2010, from my own personal perspective. If 2011 tops 2010, consider me a happy-bunny. Big chunky thanks to the IGDA, and especially to Beth Aileen Lameman for giving Game Accessibility such great coverage.

Doubting Thomas

Game Set Watch published a piece recently by Leigh Alexandra entitled ‘Analysis: Can Nintendo Take ‘Accessibility’ Too Far?‘. It questions if accessibility features spoil gaming. A depressing stand point and one that I feel misinterprets what greater accessibility can really…

Videojuegos Accesibles: Porqué Y Cómo Hacerlos

“Videojuegos accesibles, porqué y cómo hacerlos” which translates to “Accessible Videogames, why and how to develop them”. Javier Mairena, a software developer with special interest in accessible videogames development, has written this fine article to reach out in the third…