360 Magazine – “The Forgotten Gamers?”

360 Magazine front cover - issue 42 - featuring 'The Forgotten Gamers?' article on game accessibility. Alice Bonasia has written a fine six-page article on the state of game accessibility as represented by the Xbox 360 magazine – “360“.

It opens: “As the games industry continues to look for that elusive ‘Blue Ocean’, is it actually missing a core gaming audience that not only enjoys games but also enjoys significant improvement in its quality of life because of them? 360 investigates gamers with disabilities and what’s being done to incorporate them.”

It closes: “It does seem strange, to say the least, that with all the talk of breaking into new markets and wooing new audiences to gaming, the industry steadfastly ignores a ready-made audience that asks for nothing more than to be able to play these games. Disabled gamers seem to be one of the last great untapped audiences, and leaving them behind could be, if nothing else, a very costly mistake”.

Whet your appetite? Then support the supporters and order yourself a copy from Imagine Publishing. Alternatively if you’re in the UK, they’re on the shelves now at £2.95 a copy.

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